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French and Francophone Studies

Chabut Martinique carnival dancers


The French language is spoken on all five continents. A major language in world diplomacy, it is also the working or second language of many international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union.  Knowledge of the French language and culture is an invaluable asset in careers in International relations and politics, journalism, African, Middle Eastern and North American Studies, literature and the arts, to name just a few.

At Lehigh, you can major or minor in French. Our major program stresses proficiency in the French language through the acquisition of both oral and written skills with a focus on French and Francophone culture and literature. We strongly encourage our majors and minors to study abroad for a semester.

French and Francophone Studies Major Requirements

Core Courses (19-20 credits)

  • French 012 Intermediate French II (4)
  • French 143 Advanced Written French (4)
  • French 144 Advanced Oral French (4)
  • French 152 Introduction to Literary Analysis (4)
  • One of the following (3-4 credits)
    • French 259 Contemporary France (3-4)
    • French 255 Introduction to the Francophone World (4)
    • French 133 Lehigh in Martinique: Globalization and Local Identity (3-4) 

Advanced course work (12 credits)

  • Three courses at the 200 or 300 level, with at least two courses at the 300 level.  One of these courses my be taken in English when taught by a French faculty member.

Majors in French and Francophone Studies are strongly encouraged to participate in a study program in a French-speaking part of the world for the equivalent of one semester or more. Up to 12 credits for courses taken during one semester abroad (16 credits during one year) may count toward the major. In order to have credits from foreign institutions count toward their major, students must obtain approval from the French major adviser prior to their departure.

Requirements for the Departmental Honors Major (39-40 credits)
Requirements as for the Major, plus 8 additional hours of advanced literature (honors thesis of a comprehensive type) and maintenance of a 3.20 average in the major.

Study Abroad
Study abroad requires prior consultation of advisor, Associate Dean and Registrar, to make sure that courses and credits earned are transferable to Lehigh. Where appropriate, Financial Aid should also be consulted. Program listings and scholarship application forms may be consulted in the MLL office. A maximum of 16 credits may be transferred toward the ordinary major and 24 toward the honors major for a year abroad, 12 for a semester. 

Advancement Placement
Advanced Placement and CEEB credits count towards graduation but NOT towards the major. Transfer students may transfer up to 12 credits towards the major.

Complete the major declaration form and the CAS Major Declaration Powerform linked below to declare a French and Francophone Studies major. Both forms need to be completed.

French Minor Requirements

16 credit hours are required above French 11 as follows:

  1. French 012 (4)
  2. French 143 (4)
  3. 1 additional course at the 100-200 level (4-8)
  4. 1 course at the 200-300 level (300 level courses are open to students who have completed 8 credits of French beyond French 12) (4) 

Complete the minor declaration form linked below to declare a French minor.