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German is the language with the largest number of native speakers in the European Union. It is also the second most commonly used scientific language in the world and the language of Einstein, Freud, Kafka, and Mozart. Germany has the fourth strongest economy and is one of the world’s largest export nations. Knowing German creates business opportunities and provides deeper insights into a region that plays a vital role in central Europe’s intellectual, cultural, and economic life.

At Lehigh we offer a major in German Studies and a minor in German. Questions about the major or minor should be directed to Professor Vera Stegmann.

German Studies Major Requirements

The major in German Studies requires 32 credits in German language, literature, and culture beyond GERM 002. This includes GERM 011, GERM 012, and any German Studies courses that are 100 level and above. At least 8 of these credits must be at the 200 level or 300 level. Two courses may be taken in English when the class is taught by a German Studies faculty member and when the writing assignments are completed in German.

Departmental Honors Major in German Studies (40 credits)
Requirements are the same as for the regular major in German Studies, plus 8 additional hours in advanced literature and culture studies in German, to be completed as course work or with an honors thesis of a comprehensive type.

Study Abroad 
Majors in German Studies are strongly encouraged to participate in a study abroad program in a German speaking country for the equivalent of one semester or more. A maximum of 16 credits of study abroad (24 for the honors major) may be transferred toward the major, with a maximum of 8 credits for summer, 12 credits for a semester, and 16 credits for a year of study abroad (24 for the honors major). In order to have credits from foreign institutions count toward their major, students must obtain approval from the German Studies major advisor prior to their departure.

Advanced Placement
Transfer students may transfer up to 12 credits from another college or university toward the major. Credits from Advanced Placement (AP) exams and SAT subject tests count toward graduation but NOT toward the major in German Studies.

Complete the major declaration form and the CAS Major Declaration Powerform linked below to declare a German Studies major. Both forms need to be completed.

German Minor Requirements

16 credit hours, taught in the German language, are required above GERM 002. This includes GERM 011, GERM 012, and any courses in German that are 100 level and above. 

A maximum of 8 credits, from study abroad or another college or university, may be transferred toward the minor in German. Credits from Advanced Placement (AP) exams and SAT subject tests count toward graduation but NOT toward the minor in German.

Complete the minor declaration form linked below to declare a German minor.